The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by D.W. Williams, President of the Board of Commissioners.
Marion Simpson Jr. gave the invocation.
Don O’Neal led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Roll was called with all Commissioners present.
Additions- Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to add to the agenda under the Engineer’s report, two resolutions. Marion Simpson Jr. seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Greg Collins; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay, 9-0
The reading of the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on June 13, 2023 was dispensed with and Don O’Neal made a motion to accept the minutes as printed. Billy McKay seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jamie Timberlake, Assistant General Manager, reported that all taps and leaks are up to date.
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to accept the General Manager’s report. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay, Chairwoman, Personnel Committee, reported on the Personnel Committee meeting held June 20, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. No formal motions made.
Don O’Neal made a motion to accept the Personnel Committee report. Lane Lavespere seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Billy McKay, Chairman, Finance Committee, reported on the Finance Committee meeting held June 20, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to approve leak adjustments as presented for accounts 12-1140-05, 35-1220-01, 27-0300-19, 28-2240-06, 35-0290-19, 32-1170-19, and 22-0590-00. Marion Simpson Jr. seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Greg Collins; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay, 9-0
Lane Lavespere made a motion to approve Ferguson for material bids 1003, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1008, and 1010, and Core and Main for material bids 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1009. Don O’Neal seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Greg Collins; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay, 9-0
Seth Johnson, Controller, reviewed the Budget Comparison and Revenue and Expenses.
Billy McKay made a motion to accept the Finance Committee report. Russell Flowers seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Brendon Gaspard, Pan American Engineers, reported on ongoing projects in the District.
Lane Lavespere made motion to approve a resolution Whereas, Waterworks District No. 3 of Rapides Parish has entered into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the State of Louisiana for a project to construct Water Main Replacements in Curtis Park, and; Whereas there are insufficient funds for construction with State funds alone.; Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that Water District No. 3 of Rapides Parish does hereby commit the difference in the Construction Costs and the remaining State Funds. Russell Flowers seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Greg Collins; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay, 9-0
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to approve a resolution Whereas, the Developer, Jeff Porter, for the proposed Porter Park: John Madison Drive Project has requested that the Water Works District No. 3 of Rapides Parish provide for operation and maintenance of water distribution improvements that are to be constructed by the Developer, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that Water Works District No. 3 of Rapides Parish hereby acknowledges its intent to accept the proposed water system improvements for operation and maintenance contingent upon completion and approval of the Water Works District No. 3 of Rapides Parish “Third Party Developer Agreement” protocol. Don O’Neal seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Greg Collins; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay, 9-0
Don O’Neal made a motion to approve a resolution Whereas, Rylee Contracting, Inc., the Contractor for the project entitled, Water Main Replacement Along Military Highway and Tarter Lane, has “Substantially Completed” the work under the Contract as recommended by the Engineer; Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Contract of Rylee Contracting, Inc., the Contractor for said work, is hereby accepted as “ Substantially Complete” with the understanding that the final payment will be made upon satisfactory completion of any Punch List items and presentation of the Clear Lien Certificate as required by law; and, Be It Further Resolved, that the signing and filing with the Clerk of Court of this Resolution of Contract Acceptance by Water Works District No. 3 of Rapides Parish is hereby authorized; and, Be It Further Resolve, that the General Manager is authorized to sign a Final Recap Change Order adjusting the final contract quantities and time period as necessary. Marion Simpson Jr. seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Greg Collins; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay, 9-0
Marion Simpson made a motion to accept the Engineer’s report. Elizabeth Q. Lindsay seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no other business Marion Simpson Jr. made the motion to adjourn. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.