Those present for the meeting were: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jimmy R. French, Gen. Mgr. Oscar Coody
Annette Williams, Controller, Absent Elizabeth Q. Lindsay
Greg Jones, Attorney, Absent Billy McKay
Jamie Timberlake, Operations Mgr. Don T. O’Neal
Keesha Halliburton, Administrative Sec. Clyde Moore, Board President, Absent
Brendon Gaspard, Pan American Engineers, Absent Marion Simpson Jr.
David Corley, Chief, Alpine Fire Dept. D.W. Williams
Russell Flowers
Lane Lavespere
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Elizabeth Q. Lindsay, Vice President of the Board of Commissioners.
Billy McKay gave the invocation.
Marion Simpson Jr. led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Roll was called with eight Commissioners present and Clyde Moore being absent.
The reading of the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on September 13, 2022 was dispensed with and Don O’Neal made a motion to accept the minutes as printed. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jimmy French, General Manager, reported that all taps and leaks are up to date.
Billy McKay made a motion to accept the General Manager’s report. Marion Simpson Jr. seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay, Personnel Committee, reported on the Personnel Committee meeting held September 20, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. No formal motions.
Billy McKay made a motion to accept the Personnel Committee report. Lane Lavespere seconded the motion. Motion carried.
D. W. Williams, Chairman, Finance Committee, reported on the Finance Committee meeting held September 20, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Marion Simpson Jr. made a motion to approve a quote from Simpson Security Systems in the amount of $8,995.00 for a CCTV System at the Pollock Plant. Billy McKay seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Clyde Moore; Absent. 8-Aye, 0-Nay, 1-Absent
Marion Simpson Jr. made a motion to approve leak adjustment requests as recommended by the District’s Attorney for accounts 14-1510-01, 28-2859-05, 33-0560-00, 61-0290-09, 18-2490-00, 19-0020-00, 15-0320-07, 34-0200-01, 18-0230-00, 22-0610-00, 41-1860-00, 21-1427-07, 33-1450-01, 11-0620-01, 22-0810-01, 34-1621-00, 18-0042-01, 24-0600-05, and 33-1715-00. Russell Flowers seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Clyde Moore; Absent. 8-Aye, 0-Nay, 1-Absent
Billy McKay made a motion to approve the increase of the authorization limit for the General Manager for purchases from $5,000.00 to $10,000.00. Lane Lavespere seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Clyde Moore; Absent. 8-Aye, 0-Nay, 1-Absent
Marion Simpson Jr. made a motion to approve the flushing contract for a one year period with TECH2O, LLC. D.W. Williams seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Lane Lavespere; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, D.W. Williams; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Russell Flowers; Aye, Don O’Neal; Aye, Clyde Moore; Absent. 8-Aye, 0-Nay, 1-Absent
Jimmy French, General Manager, reviewed the Schedule of Unrestricted Funds and Budget Comparison.
Marion Simpson Jr. made a motion to accept the Finance Committee report. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no other business Marion Simpson Jr. made the motion to adjourn. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:46 a.m.