Jimmy R. French, Gen. Mgr., Absent
Those present for the meeting was:
Jimmy R. French, Gen. Mgr., Absent
Those present for the meeting were:
Jimmy R. French, Gen. Mgr., Absent
Annette Williams, Controller
Greg Jones, Attorney, Absent
Jamie Timberlake, Operations Mgr.
Keesha Halliburton, Administrative Asst.
Brendon Gaspard, Pan American Engineers
Anita Gardner
William Vollman, Trek, Inc.
Otha Hailey, Vice President
Tommy Hollingsworth, Secretary
Oscar Coody
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay
Billy McKay
Clyde Moore, Board President
Robert Sibley
Marion Simpson Jr
D. W. Williams
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Clyde Moore, President of the Board of Commissioners.
Robert Sibley gave the invocation.
Oscar Coody led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Roll was called with all nine Commissioners present.
Public Comments- William Vollman, Trek, Inc., reported on the progress and schedule of work for Trek, Inc. He stated he was in receipt of a letter from Water Works District No. 3 attorney indicating his contract was behind schedule.
Additions- None
Old Business – None
New Business - None
The reading of the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on August 08, 2017 was dispensed with and Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to accept the minutes as printed. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jimmy French, General Manager, reported that all taps and leaks are up to date and the crews are working on Laura Lane.
Tommy Hollingsworth made a motion to accept a bid from Anita Gardner in the amount of $12,495.10 for the property located on Kiwanis Camp Road. Oscar Coody seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Robert Sibley; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Tommy Hollingsworth; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Otha Hailey; Aye, D. W. Williams; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Clyde Moore; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay 9-0
Tommy Hollingsworth made a motion to accept the General Manager’s report. Billy McKay seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Robert Sibley, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, reported on the Personnel Committee meeting held August 15, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Oscar Coody made a motion to approve the maximum salary increase allowed for the General Manager of $1,200.00 annual, $100.00 per month. Tommy Hollingsworth seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Robert Sibley; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Tommy Hollingsworth; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Otha Hailey; Aye, D. W. Williams; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Clyde Moore; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay 9-0
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to accept the Personnel Committee report. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Otha Hailey, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported on the Finance Committee meeting held on August 15, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
Otha Hailey made a motion to approve leak adjustment requests as recommended by the District’s Attorney for accounts 43-0730-03, 26-2360-01, 43-0845-05, 31-1040-02, 22-0980-01, 33-1490-00, 15-1080-00, 23-2230-00, 25-1510-02, 22-1130-06, 13-2140-00, 14-1330-00, 51-0600-02, 18-2395-08, 18-2620-00 and 25-0510-01. Tommy Hollingsworth seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Robert Sibley; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Tommy Hollingsworth; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Otha Hailey; Aye, D. W. Williams; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Clyde Moore; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay 9-0
Otha Hailey made a motion to approve deeming the John Deere mower as surplus and submit it for sale in the first available auction. Billy McKay seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Robert Sibley; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Tommy Hollingsworth; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Otha Hailey; Aye, D. W. Williams; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Clyde Moore; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay 9-0
Otha Hailey made a motion to approve the server lease agreement with Turner Telco for 36 months in the total amount of $15,424.00 and monthly payments of $470.43. Tommy Hollingsworth seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Robert Sibley; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Tommy Hollingsworth; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Otha Hailey; Aye, D. W. Williams; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Clyde Moore; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay 9-0
Annette Williams, Controller, presented the following reports;
- Schedule of Funds
- Budget Comparison
- Comparison of Water Revenue
Brendon Gaspard, Pan American Engineers, reported on the current status of ongoing projects throughout the District.
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to authorize the President of the Board of Commissioners to sign a resolution that Water Works District No. 3 accepts the “Third Party Developer Agreement” protocol for the proposed Beau Chene Subdivision, Phase III Project. Oscar Coody seconded the motion.
There was a roll call vote as follows: Robert Sibley; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Tommy Hollingsworth; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Otha Hailey; Aye, D. W. Williams; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Clyde Moore; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay 9-0
Tommy Hollingsworth made a motion to authorize the President of the Board of Commissioners to sign a resolution that the General Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a “Utility Relocation Agreement Permit” with the DOTD on behalf of Water Works District No. 3 of Rapides Parish. Elizabeth Q. Lindsay seconded the motion
There was a roll call vote as follows: Robert Sibley; Aye, Oscar Coody; Aye, Billy McKay; Aye, Tommy Hollingsworth; Aye, Marion Simpson Jr.; Aye, Otha Hailey; Aye, D. W. Williams; Aye, Elizabeth Q. Lindsay; Aye, Clyde Moore; Aye. 9-Aye, 0-Nay 9-0
Elizabeth Q. Lindsay made a motion to accept the Engineer’s report. Oscar Coody seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no other business, Oscar Coody made the motion to adjourn. Marion Simpson Jr. seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.